A couple of weeks ago my sister-in-law invited me to her birthday happy hour. It was the first time I had been out, since Baby G's birth, without baby and diaper bag and stroller and etc etc. Super exciting. I put on my super-low rise fancy jeans (those I could zip, because of said low-rise) and a huge sweater my dear friend (and new mama!) S. gave me. And earrings! And make-up! It was certainly too much effort for a small post-work happy hour at a cruddy sports bar. But damned if it didn't feel good to put some effort into my appearance. Every once in a while you just need to decide what to wear because it looks nice, rather than just choosing based upon whether or not the crusty spot will be REALLY noticeable, or just kindof noticeable.
I felt like an imposter, pretending to be a normal person out amongst other normal people who were just getting out of their normal office jobs. But half a beer and some small talk later I remembered a bit of myself that knew how to do more than negotiate toddler demands and do a one-handed diaper change. I didn't even show anyone any pictures of the baby! And I may have innocently flirted just a tad with a tall, boyishly good-looking Irish friend-of-a-friend. He showed me pictures of his dog. All normal...ish.
It was a work-from-home snowday, so no one other than my children and the dog witnessed last week's small triumph: I zipped up my most favorite pre-pregnancy jeans. My old standbys. I wouldn't lift the hem of my sweater at you, lest you shrink away from the computer (Gah! Muffin top of HORROR!!), but damned if it didn't feel good to zip these up this morning. And, no, this is not sponsored by Levi's. Just some old Gap jeans from Goodwill. I would like to thank ZUMBA!, yogadownload.com, and pomegranate-blueberry frozen yogurt.
15 lbs left to go before I get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Who knows how long, if ever, it will take to get back to my pre-pregnancy BRAIN.
(Probably never)
con muchos besos,
I was just thinking the other day what it might be like to wear regular people jeans...when I'm outgrowing my leggings that I've already cut slits into. You're the inspiration...